Baring Head rules
If you are flying at Baring Head you must:
1) Have read and agreed to the GWRC rules below.
2) Open airspace before the first pilot launches (see below).
3) Close airspace after last pilot lands for the day.
4) Send a message on WhatsApp to WHGPC saying that you are going
flying. If you are not on WhatsApp ask another club member to send
out a WhatsApp message.
5) If you are flying solo (not recommended) that someone knows that you are there
and your ETR.
6) If you are flying with with other pilots check that:
a) that they are current members of the NZHGPA!
b) that they have agreed to these rules
c) that someone has opened and closed airspace
d) that keys and padlock have been returned to the hiding spot at the end of the day.
7) Have fun!
Opening and closing Baring Head Airspace NZG674
Call 04 387 1980 and then choose option #9.
Tell the controllers at the tower that you want to open or close “Baring
Head Gliding Airspace 674″.
If you do not open the airspace and another air user complains we may lose
our ability to use this site!
If you do not close the airspace at the end of flying this will inconvenience other
airspace users and annoy the controllers. However, the Tower will NOT initiate
Search & Rescue if they do not hear from you.
Keys and padlock
Keys and padlock
The GWRC has issued the club with an electronic fob to access Baring Head.
The fob is hidden off-site along with a combination lock.
The fob is to be locked inside the lock-box located at the entrance gate.
Only club members who have agreed to the rules on this page will be advised of the location of the keys.
Introduction to GWRC rules of use
There are many different groups with an interest in Baring
Head Ōrua-pouanui -East Harbour Regional Park. The Regional Council
endeavours to consider the interests of all the parties so that everyone
may enjoy the park.
Special permission has been granted to WHGPC so that club members can have
vehicle access to the park so that we can undertake hang gliding and paragliding.
It is essential that we respect other users and comply with the park management plans.
Please carefully read and understand the following conditions that apply to access.
It is also important to ensure that you keep up-to-date with this information before
accessing the park.
When you have read and understood the Special Access Permit please complete the declaration. You will then be granted permission to access
Baring Head in a vehicle for the purpose of hang gliding or paragliding until 30 June 2024.
Times of entry:
Hang gliding/ paragliding will only happen during 8am – 6pm (winter)
and 7am -9pm (summer daylight savings)
Please refer to the agreement between the Wellington Regional Council and the Wellington Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club.
Please then complete this Greater Wellington flying sites declaration.